
TEL. 052-809-1873

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科学論文Scientific Papers

M. Mojtaba, S. Sumi, K. Tanabe, H. Awano, "Boosting Domain Wall Velocity and Stability in Ferrimagnetic GdFe Nanowires by Applying Laser-Annealing Process", Applied Physic Letters, Vol.123, Issue 20 (2023)"

Yukihiro Marui, Masashi Kawaguchi, Satoshi Sumi, Hiroyuki Awano, Kohji Nakamura, and Masamitsu Hayash
, Spin and orbital Hall currents detected via current-induced magneto-optical Kerr effect in V and Pt
Phys. Rev. B 108, 144436 – Published 26 October 2023、

H. Sakaguchi, T Fujita, J. Zhang, S. Sumi, H. Awano, Development of Fabrication Techniques for Magneto-Optical Diffractive Deep Neural Networks”, IEEE Transactions on magnetics, Vol. 59, No. 11, 2500704 (2023)

S. Ranjbar, S. Kambe, S. Sumi, P. V. Thach, Y. Nakatani, K. Tanabe, and H. Awano,
Elucidation of mechanism for maintaining ultrafast domain wall mobility over a wide temperature rangey”, Materials Advances. (2022)

S. Ranjbar, S. Sumi, K. Tanabe, and H. Awano,Evaluation of multi-bit domain wall motion by low current density to obtain ultrafast data rate in a compensated ferrimagnetic wire”, APL Materials. 10, 091102 (2022)

Kei Matsumotor, Pham Van Thach, Satoshi Sumi, Sina Ranjbar, Kenji Tanabe, Hiroyuki Awano, Shihao Wang, Takayuki IKshibashi, and Shin Saito,Enhancement of permittivity off-diagonal terms in rare earth transition metal / heavy metal hetero-structured filmsry”, Front. Phys. 10, 949571 (2022).

S. Ranjbar, S. Sumi, K. Tanabe, and H. Awano, “Large Perpendicular Exchange Energy in TbxCo100-x/Cu (t)/[Co/Pt]2 heterostructures”, Magnetochemistry 7, 11, 110141 (2021) 

A. Yagmur, S. Sumi, H. Awano, and K. Tanabe, “Magnetization-dependent inverse spin Hall effect in compensated ferrimagnet TbCo alloys”, Phys.Rev. B 103, 214408 (2021)


S. Sumi, H. Awano, and J. Tominaga, “Laser induced spin injection to [GeTe/Sb2Te3] superlattice through a TbFeCo film”, AIP Advances12, 035328 (2022)

S. Sumi, Y. Hirano, H. Awano, and J. Tominaga Ferromagnetic Resonance of a [GeTe/Sb2Te3]6/Py Superlattice”, Magnetochemistry 7, 156 (2021)

A. Yagmur, S. Sumi, H. Awano, and K. Tanabe, "Magnetization -dependent inverse spin Hall efect in compensated ferrimagnet TbCo alloys", Phys. Rev. B, 103, 214408 (2021)

Shinya Ota, Pham Van Thach, Hiroyuki Awano, Akira Ando, Kentaro Toyoki, Yoshinori Kotani, Tetsuya Nakamura, Tomohiro Koyama, Daichi Chiba, "Strain-induced modulation of temperature charactoristics in ferrimagnetic Tb-Fe films", Sci. Rep., 11, 6237(2021)

M. Kawaguchi, K. Tanabe, K. Yamada, T. Sawa, S. Hasegawa, M. Hayashi, and Y. Nakatani, "Determination of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction using pattern recognition and machine learning”, npj comp. Mat., 20 (2021)

A. Yagmur, S. Sumi, H. Awano, and K. Tanabe, “Large inverse spin Hall effeci in Co-Tb alloys due to spin Seebeck effect.”, Phys. Rev. Appl., 14, 064025 (2020)

M. Tanaka, M. Shimazaki, T. Ohmasa, T. Suzuki, S. Honda, S. Honda, H. Awano, and K. Mibu,
“Stabilization of neel-type domain walls in multilayered magnetic wires using antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling”, J. Appl. Phys., 128, 063902 (2020)

"Topologically protected spin diffusion and spin generetor using chalcogenide superlattices", Junji Tominaga, Noriyuki Miyata, Satoshi Sumi, Hiroyuki Awano, Shuichi Murakamu, npj 2D Material, and Applications 4, 22 (2020)

"Intermixing suppression through the interface in GeTe/Sb3Te3 supperlattice", Junji Tominaga, Satishi Sumi, Hiroyuki Awano, Appl. Phys. Express, 13, 7, 075503 (2020)

Shun Fukuda, Hiroyuki Awano, Kenji Tanabe, Appl. Phys. Lett., 116, 102402(2020), "Observation of spin-motive force in ferrimagnetic GdFeCo alloy films"

Shinya Ota. Ken-ichi Uchida, Ryo Iguchi, Pham Van Thach, Hiroyuki Awano, Daichi Chiba, Scientific Reports, 9, 13197 (2019), "Strain-induced switching of heat current direction generated by magneto-thermoelectric effects"

Mst. Sanjida Aktar, Masamichi Sakai, Shigehiko Hasegawa, Osamu Nakamura, and Hiroyuki Awano, Applied Physics Express 12, 053004 (2019), "Entropy production by thermodynamic current in ambipolar conductores with identical spin dynamics between holes and electrons"

Jiwaei Yu, Do Bang, Rahui Mitshra, Rajaquopaian Ramaswamy, Jung Hyun Oh, Hyeon Jong Park, Yunboo Jeong, Pham Van Thach, dong Kyu Lee, Gyungchoon Go, Seo Won Lee, Yi Wang, Syuyuan Shi, Xuepeng Qiu, Hiroyuki Awano, Kyunng Jin Lee and Hyunson Yangi, Nature Materials 18, 29-34 (2019), "Long spin coherence length and bulk-like spin-orbit torque in ferrimagnetic multilayers"

Y. Korokawa, M. Wakae, S. Sumi, H. Awano, K. Ohnishi, H. Yuasa, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 58, 030905 (2019) "Spin-orbit torque -driven current-induced domain wall motion in GdFe magnetic wires",

Satoshi Sumi, Hiroyuki Awano, and Masamitsu Hayashi, Crystalss 8, 377 (2018), "Interface induced enhancement of magneto-optical Kerr effect in Pt/TbCo hetero-structureed films",

Satoshi Sumi, Hiroyuki Awano, and Masamitsu Hayashi, Scientific reports 8, 776 (2018), "Interface induced enhancement of magneto-optical Kerr effect in ultrathin magnetic films",

Yuichiro Kurokawa and Hiroyuki Awano, AIP Advances 8, 025309(2018), "Multilayered current-induced domain wall motion in Pt/Tb-Co/Ta/Tb-Co/Pt magnetic wire,

Masamichi Sakai, Hiraku Takao, Tomoyoshi MAtsunaga, Makoto Nishimagi, Keitaro Iizasa, Takahito Sakuraba, Koji Higuchi, Akira Kitajima, Shigehiko Hasegawa, Osamu Nakamura, Yuichiro Kurokawa and Hiroyuki Awano, JJAP 57, 033001 (2018), "Resonant Hall effect under generation of a self-sustaining mode of spin current in nonmagnetic bipolar conductors with identical charaters between holes and electrons"

Yuki Hibino, Tomohiro Koyama, Satoshi Sumi, Hiroyuki Awano, Kazumoto Miwa, Shimpei Ono, Makoto Kohda, and Daichi Chiba, APEX 10, 123201 (2017), "Electric-field-induced on/off switching of the Faraday effect",

Tsukasa Asari, Ryosuke Shibata, and Hiroyuki Awano, AIP Advances 7, 055930 (2017), "Novel magnetic wire fabrication process by way of nanoimprint lithography for current induced magnetization switching"

Masaaki Tanaka, Sho Sumitomo, Noriko Adachi, Syuta Honda, Hiroyuki Awano, and Ko Mibu, AIP Advances 7, 055916 (2017) "Electric-current-induced dynamics of bubble domains in a ferrimagnetic Tb/Co multilayer wire below and above the magnetic compensation point"

Yuichiro Kurokawa, Ryogo Yoshimura, Satoshi Sumi, and Hiroyuki Awano, AIP Advences 7, 035325 (2017), "Thermal reduction of the threshhold current density for current-induced domain wall motion in Tb-Co magnetic alloy wire"

Do Bang, Hiroyuki Awano, Yuta Saito, and Junji Tominaga, Journal of Electronic materials, Vol.45, No.5, 2496 (2016), "Magnetic Field-dependenct magneto-optical Kerr effect in [(GeTe)2(Sb2Te3)1]8 topological superlattice"

Do Bang, Jiawei Yu, Xuepeng Qiu, Yi Wang, Hiroyuki Awano, Aurelien Manchon, and Hyunsoo Yang, Physical Review B, 93, 174424 (2016), "Enhancement of spin Hall effect induced torques for current-driven magnetic domain wall motion: Inner interface effect"

, and "Current-induced domain wall motion attributed to spin Hall effect and Dzyaloshinsky–Moriya interaction in Pt/GdFeCo (100 nm) magnetic wire"

Do Bang, Hiroyuki Awano, Yuta Saito, Junji Tominaga, Jornal of Electronic Materials, 45, 2496, (2016), "Magnetic Field-Dependent Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect in [(GeTe)2(Sb2Te3)1]8 Topological Superlattice"

Shinya Ota, Yuki Hibino, Do Bang, Hiroyuki Awano, Takahiro Kozeki, Hirokazu Akamine, Tetsuya Fuji, Takahiro Namazu, Taishi Takenobu, Tomohiro Koyama, and Daichi Chiba, Applied Physics Express 9, 043004 (2016), "Strain-induced reversible modulation of the magnetic anisotropy in perpendicularly magnetized metals deposited on a flexible substrates"

Masaaki Tanaka1*, Hiroki Kanazawa1, Sho Sumitomo1, Syuta Honda2, Ko Mibu1, and Hiroyuki Awano3 , APEX, 8, 073002 (2015), "Current-induced dynamics of bubble domains in perpendicularly magnetized TbFeCo wires"Strain-induced reversible modulation of the magnetic anisotropy in perpendicularly magnetized metals deposited on a ?exible substrate"

Do Bang, Hiroyuki Awano, J. Appl. Physics, 117, 17D916 (2015), "High efficiency of the spin-orbit torques induced domain wall motion in asymmetric interfacial multilayered Tb/Co wires "

Shinya Ota1, Yuki Hibino1, Do Bang2, Hiroyuki Awano2, Takahiro Kozeki3, Hirokazu Akamine3, Tatsuya Fujii3, Takahiro Namazu3, Taishi Takenobu4,5,6, Tomohiro Koyama1, and Daichi Chiba1, APEX, 9, 043004 (2015), "Strain-induced reversible modulation of the magnetic anisotropy in perpendicularly magnetized metals deposited on a flexible substrate"

Hiroyuki Awano, Jornal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 383, 50 (2015), "Investigation of domain wall motion in RE-TM magnetic wire towards a current driven memory and logic"

Do Bang1, Hiroyuki Awano1, Junji Tominaga2, Alexander V. Kolobov2, Paul Fons2, Yuta Saito2,
Kotaro Makino2, Takashi Nakano2, Muneaki Hase3, Yukihiko Takagaki4, Alessandro Giussani4,
Raffaella Calarco4 & Shuichi Murakami5, Scientific reports, 4, 5727, (2014), "Mirror-symmetric Magneto-optical Kerr Rotation using Visible Light in [(GeTe)2(Sb2Te3)1]n Topological Superlattices"

 粟野博之, “電流駆動磁壁移動を用いた積層型3次元磁気メモリ”, 日本磁気学会誌. 9, 275(2014)

Do Bang, H. Awano  “Domain wall motion in Tb/Co multilayer wire with a large domain wall depinning field”, J. Appl. Phys., 115, 17D512 (2014)

粟野博之, “希土類?遷移金属磁性細線における電流磁壁駆動効果の改善”, 映像情報メディア学会技術報告, 39, pp25-30, (2014)

粟野博之,磁性細線における磁壁の電流駆動の基礎検討”, 電子情報通信学会信学技法IEIEC Technical Report, MR2014-11, pp17-22, (2014)

 Do Bang, Hiroyuki Awano, “Reversal of Domain Wall Motion in Perpendicular Magnetized Tb-Fe-Co wires : Size Dependence ”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 52, 123001 (2013)

Do Bang, Hiroyuki Awano, “Current Induced Domain Wall Motion in Perpendicular Magnetized Tb-Fe-Co wire in presence of Rashba field”, IEEE. Trans. Mag. 49, 4390 (2013)

 Do Bang, and Hiroyuki Awano, “Size effect of domain wall magneto resistance in ultrathin TbFeCo wires”, Korean Phys. Soc. 62, 1933 (2013)

Masamichi Sakai, Koichi Kakizaki, Shigehiko Hasegawa, Akira Kitajima, Akihiro Ohshima, and Hiroyuki Awano, “Design of Spin Polarization Analyzer using Transverse Longitudinal Correlation in Resistivities Induced by Spin–Orbit Interaction”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 52, 013004 (2013)

Masamichi Sakai、 Koichi Kakizaki、 Shigehiko Hasegawa、 Akira Kitajima、 Akihiro Oshima、
Hiroyuki Awano, "Design of Spin Polarization Analyzer using Transverse-Longitudinal Correlation in Resistivities Induced by Spin-Orbit Interaction", J. Journal of APPLIED PHYSICS, 52, 013004 (2012)

Do Bang, and Hiroyuki Awano, "Current-Induced Domain Wall Motion in Perpendicular Magnetized Tb-Fe-Co Wire with Different Interface Structures", Appl. Phys. Express, 5, 125201 (2012)

Do Bang, and Hiroyuki Awano, "Size effect of domain wall magnetoresistance in ultrathin TbFeCo wires" Korean Physics Society (JKPS), (2012)

Duc-The Ngo, Norihito Watanabe, and Hiroyuki Awano, "CoB/Ni-Based Multilayer Nanowire with High-Speed Domain Wall Motion under Low Current Control", J. Journal of Allpied Physics, 51, 093002 (2012)

Duc-The Ngo, Kotaro Ikeda, and Hiroyuki Awano, "Modulation of domain wall dynamics in TbFeCo single layer nanowirel", Journal of Allpied Physics, 111, 083921 (2012)

Duc-The Ngo, M.C.Hickey, D.McGrouther, S.McViti, C.H.Marrows, J.N.Chapman, and Hiroyuki Awano, "Formation of Magnetic Structure by Domain Wall Confinement in Nanoconstriction", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 47, 2511 (2011)

Duc-The Ngo, Kotaro Ikeda, and Hiroyuki Awano, "Direct Observation of Domain Wall Motion Induced by Low-Current Density in TbFeCo Wires", Aplied Physics Express, 4, 093002 (2011)

H. Mamiya、 H. Hagiya、 Y. Oba、 M. Ohnuma、 T. Oku、 J. Suzuki、 M. Yokoyama、 T Katayama、 Y. Nishihara、and Hiroyuki Awano, "Thermal fluctuations in perpendicular recording media: New methodology for estimation of activation moment", 256, 012059 (2011)

Hiroyuki Awano, and Hiroshi Ido, "Stacked Volumetric Optical Disks (SVOD)", The Society of Phase Change Recording 69-72, (2010)

A.Inaba, and Hiroyuki Awano "Mechnical Performance Characteristics of 15000rpm Ultra-high-speed rotation of Ultra-thin Disk with a Magneto-optical Recording Film", Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan, 33, 513 (2009)




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